Upcoming events in JUNE 2015

June 10, 2015

Dukem Jazz

with some wonderful musicians

DeAndre Shaiffer on keyboard, trumpet

myself on keyboard and guitar

Kris Funn on Bass

and Sam Praither on Drums

sets begin at 9pm

June 18th

E.S.L. Eighteenth Street Lounge

January 14, 2013

I have been returning as a vocalist to sing with DonVonte McCoy’s Quintet on weekends at 18th St. Lounge….I post these upcoming events on http://www.facebook.com/heidimartinvocalistcomposer my artist “like” page…


January 14, 2013

“The Race Card”…

January 14, 2013

“The Race Card” live performance of interviews from a deck of wisdom cards compiled from the past four years…JOIN US for an evening of Live Jazz Music, Interviews @ATLAS INTERSECTIONS FESTIVAL… FEB., 28th 2013 at 9:30pm

September 15, 2008

At some point in life the world’s beauty becomes enough. You don’t need to photograph, paint or even remember it. It is enough. No record of it needs to be kept and you don’t need someone to share it with or tell it to. When that happens — that letting go — you let go because you can.